The Durham report examined the FBI’s Trump-Russia probes. A basic guide.

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from The Washington Post,

Special counsel John Durham published his long-awaited report Monday into how U.S. government agents handled their investigations into possible coordination between Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and Russian efforts to interfere with the U.S. election.

The probe was initiated in 2019, when Durham — a veteran prosecutor — was first directed by the Trump administration to conduct what was effectively an investigation into an investigation, mired from the beginning in political controversy. While Trump predicted Durham would reveal the “crime of the century,” Democrats largely dismissed the probe as politically motivated.

In the end, Durham’s report criticized the way the FBI relied on raw intelligence in conducting its investigation and made recommendations for how politically sensitive probes could be conducted in the future. Many of his findings echoed a similarly-tasked 2019 report by the Justice Department inspector general, however. In addition, his four-year probe did not send anyone to jail and resulted in a single guilty plea.

Here’s a basic guide to what you need to know.

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