ACPeds Targeted by Malicious Cyberattack

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from Heritage Foundation,

American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds), is still reeling from several vicious online attacks.

Last week their website servers were targeted by radicals seeking to intimidate and incapacitate their critical work. And while ACPed’s cybersecurity systems protected them . . . the malicious hackers managed to create a breach.

Of course, ACPeds launched into immediate action to enact their security protocols, shutdown the site, and call-in law enforcement to investigate the attack.

But the damaged had been done . . .

ACPeds is one of the nation’s leaders of pediatricians and healthcare professionals who are dedicated to the health and well-being of children.

They have stood faithfully and unwaveringly in the fight to protect the unborn from abortion and our nation’s children from left-wing extremists who will stop at nothing to push their dangerous transgender ideology.

The left wing, Southern Poverty Law Center, calls ACPeds an anti-LGBTQ hate group.

In fact, this cowardly attack comes on the heels of a federal judge’s ruling in favor of protecting women and girls by halting the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval of chemical abortion drugs. ACPeds is a plaintiff in this case.

While law enforcement’s investigation into the attack continues, it’s likely that the malicious hacks came from the keyboards of left-wing radicals who want nothing more than to disrupt ACPeds’ ability to share the truth, protect children and families, and to silence them.

Not to mention creating a significant financial burden placed on the shoulders of ACPeds that will be costly to recover from.

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