Eric Swalwell, Other House Dems Fear Potential ‘Mass Shooting’ By ‘QAnon Republican’ After Removal of Metal Detectors

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from Mediaite,

Some House Democrats are in living in fear of a potential shooting after metal detectors were removed from the House of Representatives under the slim majority of Republicans, according to a new report.

Left-wing site Raw Story spoke to multiple House Democrats lamenting the loss of magnetometers, which were originally installed after the January 6 Capitol riot, and expressing concern over their Republican colleagues.

“Democrats fear there could be a mass shooting on the House floor at the trigger of one of the GOP’s newly expanded ranks of conspiracy-believing lawmakers,” the article explains, and quotes Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) suggesting there could be a “workplace violent” event.

“A lot of my Republican colleagues glorify violence and proudly display the firearms they have in their offices, so it just makes me nervous that we could have a workplace violent event,” he told the outlet. “They’re not the most stable people.”

The congressman called the lightening of security is a “recipe for disaster.”

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