Don’t Be Fooled By Fraudulent Polls

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from The Federalist,

Democrats and the media are notorious for using biased polls to shift elections in their favor. GOP voters shouldn’t fall for these tricks. Most polls aren’t worth the paper they are printed on.

Stories about dropping Republican poll numbers are so predictable among the legacy media that they have become almost as much of a fall tradition as pumpkin carving and the changing of the leaves. Left-leaning journalists take particular delight in using flawed polling to construct distorted narratives to discourage conservative voters from showing up at the voting booth.

Despite recent polling that indicates Republicans are likely to retake the House and have a good shot at retaking the Senate, Democrats and their allies in the legacy media continue to advance phony arguments to suggest Republicans are disadvantaged by things voters don’t care about. For instance, the corporate media continues to relentlessly insist that abortion will “shape the midterms,” despite that issue ranking lower in importance to voters than others such as inflation, crime, and immigration.

This is psychological warfare. It’s part of a broad media strategy to use bad polling to skew the outcome of the midterm elections and suppress conservative voter turnout — and we shouldn’t fall for it.

This comes as no surprise. The Democrats have been weaponizing polling for years, so now both political acolytes and campaigns know there are two distinct kinds of polls: those used internally by campaigns, with a stringent methodology to produce accurate results, and those designed as propaganda for public consumption.

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