Reconsider the Gen. Milley Scandal

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from FoxNews,

What Does Milley Know? Trump Says General Is Holding Biden’s Secret Close

What if Woodward has it wrong? He notoriously got wrong a meeting Donald Rumsfeld had in the runup to the Iraq War. Woodward claimed Rumsfeld did not have a meeting Rumsfeld, in his own book, claimed to have had. But Rumsfeld produced not only his appointment book showing the meeting, but also the contemporaneously written notes about that meeting. Not only does his own arrogance sometimes trip him up, but sometimes Woodward’s sources do also.

Jonathan Swan of Axios is inarguably one of the most respected reporters in Washington today. He is trusted across parties and has incredible sources. According to his reporting, Trump’s secretary of defense, Mike Esper, received intelligence reports the Chinese expected Trump to attack. According to Swan, Esper knew the Chinese intelligence was flawed and feared they might make a preemptive strike of their own.

Esper requested his deputies use back channels to ensure the Chinese knew we knew what their intelligence said and that their intelligence was wrong. Esper further ordered a postponement of some American naval activities in the Pacific so the Chinese did not get spooked. Gen. Milley was one of the people who worked back channels to defuse the situation.

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