Protecting American Energy Jobs Act (H.R. 859)
May 2021, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) introduced a discharge petition that would bring Rep. Lauren Boebert’s (R-CO) bill, Protecting American Energy Jobs Act (H.R. 859), to the floor for a vote. The bill would overturn three Biden executive orders that threaten American jobs and responsible energy production. Specifically the bill: R-epeals the indefinite ban on all new oil and gas leasing on federal lands and in federal waters. -Reverses the cancellation of the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. -Overturns the Interior Department's Secretarial Order imposing a 60-day halt on all oil and gas drilling and permitting as well as all mining plans. -It would also further ban the President from taking executive action that would prohibit or delay new oil, gas, coal, hard rock, or critical minerals leases or permits. Companies should have the chance to safely and responsibly develop America’s resources, whether conventional sources of energy, critical minerals, or renewable power. This bill would support American workers, opportunity, energy independence, and a strong economic recovery. Because Speaker Pelosi has refused to bring this bill to the floor for a vote, a discharge petition has been introduced to force a vote on the bill. Once 218 members of Congress sign the petition, the bill can be automatically discharged to the floor.
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