Do American’s Know Their Own History Anymore?

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from American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA),

We are raising a generation of Americans who don’t know their own history. Our history.

A recent survey f Americans found that only 18% could correctly describe the effect of the Emancipation Proclamation. A quarter of American adults didn’t know that D-Day occurred during World War II. And 48% of college graduates did not know that Teddy Roosevelt had a major role in the construction of the Panama Canal.

Does that shock you?

I wish i could say it shocked me. A recent study found that just 18% of America’s colleges and universities require students to take even one course in US History or government.

Instead, students take “American Popular Culture”. “Vampires and other horrors in films and media” and “Survey of Historic Costume”. All real course that can be taken in place of US history. Vassar, University of Colorado, Lafayette College, Harvard & Penn to mention just a few.

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