The Closing of the Liberal Mind

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from The Heritage Foundation,

Liberal hypocrisy.

p> Liberals like to consider themselves open-minded and accepting, but in reality they are responsible for building a culture of intolerance.

If you don’t want your daughter to have to share bathrooms with “gender fluid” boys, liberals will call you a bigot. If you believe in constitutional rights like religious freedom, gun rights, and freedom of speech, you are labeled ignorant.

Theirs is a dangerous approach, but an effective one. It’s insulting to be called an ignorant bigot, and there’s no way to counter ad hominem attacks like that. The liberals have capitalized on this for their own ends. More and more, we see the government using its power to restrict speech and intimidate private groups and businesses. College campuses are hostile to diverse viewpoints and students shout down public speakers in the name of “tolerance.” Corporate leaders are forced to resign and pastors are fined for proclaiming church teaching.

These are just a few examples of liberalism’s legacy in America. Now at its zenith, progressive liberalism is turning on itself. It is becoming its opposite: closed-minded and intolerant to different points of views and interests.

Kim Holmes recently published a new book confronting this epidemic, The Closing of the Liberal Mind: How Groupthink and Intolerance Define the Left. In it he reveals how liberals in America have abandoned their traditions and become a force for denying people’s rights and freedoms.

The closing of the liberal mind threatens not only free speech and freedom of conscience, but constitutional rights that at one time had been among America’s greatest causes. It is upending the very constitutional order that once was the bastion of American freedom and equality, which is a grave threat to the country.

Holmes believes that it is still possible to “save [America] from the ravages of the postmodern left.” But, he counsels, it will require moderate liberals who still care about our freedoms to come together with conservatives at this pivotal time in history.

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