The jurors got it right!

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from The Gray Area:

George Zimmerman was pronounced “Not Guilty” of the murder of Trayvon Martin late last night. Starting with protests in California and tweets from various athletes, some professing that Zimmerman will be “won’t last a year before the hood catches up with him” and the jurors should “go home tonight and kill themselves“, the reaction to the verdict has been widespread, angry and will likely continue today. These protests have been mostly non violent so far, thank God. Hopefully that will continue and good sense will prevail.

For anyone who followed the case and the trial, this verdict should not have been a surprise. Clearly those protesting did not follow the trial or were immune to facts.

The evidence didn’t even support an arrest at the time of the tragedy.

– But, radical media personalities and race baiters reacted with the expected politically and racially motivated sound bites.

– Athletes got involved making photos of themselves in hooded sweatshirts, followed by church groups and

– hollywood types like Roseanne Barr and Spike Lee took stupid, assault like actions,

– some thugs searched for their own justice by beating an innocent white man and

– the New Black Panther Party offering a $10,000 reward for George Zimmerman.

– This created political pressure,

– followed by the media purposely misrepresenting the facts, NBC edited the 911 call tape and The New York Times sought to created a white on black crime by describing Zimmerman ans a “white hispanic”, and

– even an out of line comment by the President about how “Trayvon could have been his son”,

all of which conspired to force the local authorities to arrest George Zimmerman and make a showcase media trial out of the situation. How could a fair trial even be conducted anywhere in the United States?

The trial showed that the evidence was clearly not there for a murder conviction. The jurors, under such enormous political pressure to convict an innocent man, to their credit, did not succumb to the pressure. The jurors got it right.

As a country we should be proud that under such pressure, the system did work in the end, though it failed in that this event should never have come to trial.

We should now resolve ourselves to having an honest discussion about race and such violence. To leave the discussion to false claims and counterclaims is not good enough. We need to discuss the facts that matter and take appropriate action every time such an event begins to spiral out of control:

a. The media needs to be more responsible and must be embarrassed publicly and thereby incented to demonstrate fair, balanced and responsible journalism.

b. The race industry should be made to look as foolish as they are with regard to such incendiary claims as were and are being made.

c. Athletes should be controlled by their respective leagues on commentary and tweets on such events. These comments serve no positive purpose.

d. Violence coming out of such events should be met with swift and strict justice.

e. The message has to be that inciting to riot, violence and irresponsible or purposed falsified media hype will not be accepted or justified by those who disagree with the facts.

f. To get control over political extremists, the left & right need to come together on this tragedy.

f. Remember the actions of politicians in such times and vote for those who really act responsibly.