Nancy Pelosi: If Democrats Win, We Will Kill the Filibuster and Legalize Abortions Up to Birth Nationwide

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from LifeNews,

In an interview on Monday, radically pro-abortion former Speaker Nancy Pelosi made the Democrats extreme abortion agenda crystal clear. She said that if Democrats win Congress, they will kill the filibuster in the Senate so they can legalize abortions up to birth nationwide.

This is a stark reminder to every pro-life voter in America that pro-life Republicans must win Congress and Joe Biden can’t be re-elected.

In an interview Monday on MSNBC’s “Katy Tur Reports,” Pelosi falsely claimed “People have to view abortion as a democracy issue. This is about freedom to make your own decisions for a woman. It’s a personal decision, it’s an economic decision at the kitchen table of America’s families, if and when they could expand their families or even start their families.”

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