Salma Luévano is a man, but in Mexico, referring to him as such, is a crime!

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from C-FAM,

A man named Salma Luévano is a man. He is a national legislator in Mexico. He is a man. He has always been male. He is male now.

He thinks he is a woman. He is deluded.

And now his delusion is leading to the punishment of another man, a good man named Rodrigo Iván Cortés who was a Congressman in Mexico and whose picture you see above. Rodrigo is a faithful Catholic and a family man.

The crime Rodrigo has been convicted of is referring to Luévano as a man. You read that right. Rodrigo, who is a friend of C-Fam’s, has been convicted of telling the truth about the sex of another man.

His conviction was just upheld by the Mexican high court. He has been convicted of “gender-based violence” for calling a man a man.

This is outrageous. Consider this. Rodrigo’s Tweets referring to Luévano as a man came as a response to the anti-Catholic bigotry of Luévano who mocked Catholic teaching on human sexuality as “hate speech.”

This is the world we live in now. This is the world the sexual left wants to impose on all of us, including on you and me.

They would love to convict me of hate crimes for calling Luévano a man. Luévano is a man. He is not a woman. He is psychologically confused.

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Salma Luévano is a man. Sue me.

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