The Indian-American Trump Rally Ignored by Media

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from Rush Limbaugh Show,

RUSH: So it’s in the midst of all this that he does a rally, that he does a rally on Sunday in Houston at the Howdy, Modi rally. And here’s just a brief little sound bite. Listen to these cheers. This is the guy the Democrats think that they’re gonna impeach?

Now, listen to this (cheers) 28 seconds this goes on. This was at an event called the Shared Dreams, Bright Futures event with the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. That’s why it was called the Howdy, Modi, Shared Dreams, Bright Futures event. Howdy, Modi. And little by little Trump is picking off little percentages of voting blocs the conventional wisdom says the Democrats own. The Hispanics that showed up in mass for Trump’s new Mexico rally. Then this thing in Houston on Sunday.

There was hardly any coverage of this rally yesterday. But for all of the talk that Trump’s an unsophisticated, undisciplined, doesn’t know what he’s doing, he’s running rings around a lot of these pros. He’s running rings around professionals that were given a hundred million dollars in 2016 and secured three delegates with all that money.

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