Study Confirms: Target’s Bathroom Policy is Dangerous

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File this under “Who didn’t see this coming?”

According to a new study by Woman Means Something, reported sexual offenses have spiked since Target announced their “gender inclusive” policy of giving men access to women’s and girls’ bathrooms and changing rooms

Obviously, this is no surprise to Texas Values and our followers. When men have access to women’s bathrooms and changing rooms these attacks on privacy are bound to happen. This is one of the main reasons why Texas Values fights against “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” (SOGI) policies that place women and children at risk by allowing men into women’s intimate facilities.

The Woman Means Something study looked at Target’s new bathroom policy which began in April 2016 and allowed men who said they were women to use the women’s restrooms (and vice versa) then compared that to media reported sexual offenses. The actual count of incidents could be higher due to the media not covering it.

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