Trump Calls Out the “Fake, Disgusting News” and They Can’t Stand It!

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from Rush Limbaugh,

RUSH: Grab sound bite No. 6. This is Trump last night bashing fake news. There’s a big controversy that Trump has called the media the enemy of the people, and there’s a lot of people that are seeming to agree. “Trump, he’s called the whole media the enemy of the people.” He’s not. We went back and looked and he referred to fake news as the enemy of the people. But he’s never said that we can find, all of, the entirety of the media, is the enemy of the people.

But that’s a fine point, because when the Drive-Bys report it, they don’t say that Trump said fake news is the enemy of the people. They report he says the entire media is. And they act outraged and act like they’ve been placed in great harm, great danger. And April, what’s her face, April Ryan goes out there after the press briefing and goes (imitating Ryan), “I’m really worried, I’m worried that Jim Acosta is going to be the subject of violence. I’m very, very worried.”

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