Young White Males Abandon Dems, Flock to Trump

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from Rush Limbaugh,

RUSH: The latest Reuters/Ipsos poll. This is not somebody’s news story. It’s a poll. And it’s Reuters. “Forty-six percent of young white men now favor the Republicans over Democrats. That’s a near complete switch from where the demographic group stood just two years ago when the GOP was led by free traders and open borders advocates.

“President Trump’s reshaping of the GOP from being aligned to the Chamber of Commerce to a party serving the interests of America’s working and middle class is winning over young white American men en masse.”

Now, there’s a reason for this beyond Trump, and that is that the Democrats, beginning in 2011, said they’re not interested in them. You know why a bunch of white men — I’m gonna tell you the truth — you know why a bunch of young white men have been voting Democrat? Because that’s what the women are doing, and men will always do what women want in order to get close to women.

I mean, men don’t go to museums unless a woman wants to and then they’ll act like it’s one of their favorite things to do, right? I’ve done it; you’ve done it.

Okay, so if a bunch of young women think that Trump is despicable or, on the other hand, if they love Obama and you have as an objective to get close to a particular woman, and she loves Obama, what are you gonna do? But now things have come along, Obama is gone, and the women that were for Obama, many of them have turned into undesirable hatemongers.

Meanwhile, working conditions and economic circumstances for people in America are improving, and that matters. These are back pocket issues.

But he had a-heads-up on Obama’s strategy for the 2012 midterms, and they were simply gonna abandon working class white voters and instead as a party shift to what they thought would be a gigantic coalition of minorities and illegal immigrant activists and supporters and maybe even some illegal immigrants. And that’s how they thought they were gonna win. Not just 2012 with Obama, the White House, but the midterms. And they thought that would be building a base going forward because that’s where they intended to transform the country.

Obama, Hillary, the Democrats intended to transform this country into a majority, slash, minority country where the old majorities would be marginalized, would be powerless, and the previous minorities coupled together combined would represent the new majority. Didn’t happen. Didn’t work out the way they intended, and now because they threw away not just white-collar, but blue-collar, too, they threw away white working class families, largely men. The men are beginning to come home to Trump, to the Republican Party. And this is based on substance.

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