James O’Keefe Sits Down With Rush Limbaugh

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from Project Veritas,

RUSH: Project Veritas is leading the way toward changing journalism. Could you explain what you meant by that?

O’KEEFE: The mainstream media believes that you must not trust the evidence of your own eyes and ears. “You must listen to us interpret the information for you.” The Veritas approach is the show you the raw data, which sometimes directly contradicts how they interpret he information. So we are changing journalism by circumventing the interpreters of reality by distributing reality in its raw, pure form.

RUSH: How did you decide that you wanted to use your format, for lack of a better word, the secret investigation, disguising your reporters and yourself and exposing various organizations? Because there’s nobody else doing what you’re doing. It’s very hard, James, to come up with something nobody else is doing in a country this populated that’s been around this long. How did you craft this particular philosophy of dealing with journalism?

O’KEEFE: I think, Rush, it became a new discipline. I never intended it to get this far. I’ve done a lot of introspection to figure that question out, and the answer is, we do undercover work.

But what created the discipline was the fact that the real deception is passing along information to the news consumer that’s not true — for economic reasons, political reasons …

Where is the virtue in passing along untrue information to the masses when a source tells you something on the record? When politicians say things to you on the record, it’s probably false. They’re not giving you the truth. So it was a desire to pull back the curtain and go into their private, unguarded moments when they are being honest with you, and to compare what they say in private versus what they say in public. They say, “That’s unethical.” I say it’s far more ethical to do that than it is to lie to the American people.

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