Backlash Against the #MeToo Movement?

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from Rush Limbaugh,

RUSH: So the backlash against #MeToo. Kyle Smith: “Men are scared, and feminists are delighted. But the urge to call out and punish male sexual transgression is bound to clash with an inescapable truth: We’re all in this together, men and women.” And with a few exceptions like Hillary Clinton, men and women generally like each other, and men and women are for the most part intrigued by each other. And men and women like to explorer each other.

And yet here comes liberalism once again with the #MeToo movement, and what is happening here — and it’s not new. It’s just now intensifying — men are refusing to do anything alone with a woman, exactly the way Mike Pence said he conducts his public life. Remember how he was mocked and laughed at? Male executives are refusing to have lunch with female subordinate executives. They’re refusing to travel. They are refusing to put themselves anywhere even near a scenario where they could be tempted or be lied about, either way.

And so the predictable reaction, “These men are denying women business opportunities, promotional opportunities. These men are segregating themselves and preventing once again women from having access to the glass ceiling.” And that is the backlash. And you can’t blame a single guy for it.

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