What Really Happened in Charlottesville

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from Rush Limbaugh,

I’m telling you that Barack Obama invited Black Lives Matter to the White House and honored them after Ferguson and after Baltimore. You’re not supposed to mention that, but there were two sides to this thing.

I was talking to Mr. Snerdley today, and I have a serious question. I understand completely the need to condemn the Klan and these neo-Nazis and these white supremacists and these idiots. And I’m really interested in why these people are becoming this way, because I think there are answers that will tell us a lot. There are just too many young men with too much time on their hands and too much ill influence is over this country. I understand it.

It ticks me off these people exist. It ticks me off that we have to deal with neo-Nazis and people fascinated with this stuff, and white supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan.

Togetherness in Virginia parody audio clip.

After this weekend, after all of this, we have a Confederate group heritage organization that has asked for a permit to gather at the Robert E. Lee monument. Now, what do you think is going on here? The point is that it’s not just the neo-Nazis and it’s not just the white supremacists and it’s not just these groups, but there’s a whole other range of similar hate groups on the left that are just as guilty and are just as invasive and probably more violent.

And I asked Snerdley today, “Could somebody explain to me why in the world only one side here is being condemned?” And why when somebody dares mention that there was more than one side here, that person gets condemned? Let’s listen to the president’s statement on this, because this is the fuel that started this media fire and everything else, condemnation aimed at President Trump.

It’s undeniably true. It’s undeniably true that there is hatred and bigotry and violence sponsored on both sides. All you have to do is revisit recent history and college campuses, or go to Ferguson, Missouri, or go to Baltimore Maryland, it is all over the place.

And let’s not forget this, either. Remember during the presidential campaign at Trump rallies we have learned that a guy named Robert Creamer, who visited the Obama White House over a hundred times and Obama — well, the Oval Office some 45 to 50 times. This guy admitted to hiring militant protesters to infiltrate Trump rallies as Trump supporters and then start causing violence. He proudly admitted it.

He admitted that he was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton. So we know this happens on both sides. It undeniably happens on both sides. We also know that most of this stuff is instigated primarily by one side. And yet that side I guess is to never be mentioned. In order for Trump to have passed this test, he was only supposed to condemn one side in this dispute. And he didn’t do that. Very obviously, Trump was supposed to condemn the white supremacists. He was supposed to condemn the Nazis and stop. But he didn’t.

The media and the left want Donald Trump to condemn all of these groups, the white supremacists and the Nazis, because they want to tie him to them. They want to tie Trump to what is known as the Alt-Right, which I guess is made up of these neo-Nazis and the white supremacists and so forth. But there’s a similar group on the left. They are violent, they are intimidating, and they are very violently active, and they instigate things. They travel. They are bought and paid for in many cases. They, I guess, are not to be mentioned.

And then this in the Washington Post by David Weigel — believe me, who is nowhere near the right side of the aisle. Headline: “Fear of ‘Violent Left’ Preceded Events in Charlottesville.” I had to have three people read this to make sure that I wasn’t missing something in this. “On Saturday afternoon, shortly before her camera captured a car plowing through left-wing activists in Charlottesville, killing one and injuring more than a dozen others, Faith Goldy warned that the left was spinning out of control.”

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