Food issues
When entering any grocery store in any city/town or obscure spot on the map, it doesn't take significant degree of observation to realize how blessed we are with the varied and plentiful food supply in this country. The same when you try to decide which of thousands of restaurants available within 20 miles of your location you would like to have breakfast, lunch or dinner. Unfortunately we take it for granted. Our ability to produce, cleanse, regulate, package and distribute food to our fellow citizens is unprecedented in human history. In addition to convenience and variety, public health has improved significantly due to elimination of food and water borne illnesses. On the opposite side of access to varied and plentiful food supplies are decisions on how much food is needed and which are the best foods for your individual health. As a result of poor choices, childhood obesity has grown in this country. In addition, we are facing worldwide population growth and the resulting increase in demand for safe food. The challenge for us to maintain the convenient and healthy access to plentiful and varied food supplies is to do things necessary to make sure the planet can sustain needed levels of production, minimize waste and make personal food choices that are in our best interest. Follow the public discourse below.

$11 Billion to Ban Trans Fat

from NCPA,

Banning "trans fats" could cost $11 billion, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which recently released a "declaratory order" regarding partially hydrogenated oils, the source of trans fats. The order finds that trans fats are no longer considered "generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for any use in human food." What little analysis FDA does provide looks at "the costs of all significant effects of the removal, including packaged food reformulation and relabeling, increased costs for substitute ingredients, and consumer, restaurant and bakery recipe changes" and the "expected medical expenditure savings" as its benefits. Here are the FDA's estimates: - Average Total Costs: $6.2 Billion ($417 Million Annualized) - Average Total Benefits: $140 Billion ($9.4 Billion Annualized) - Though they do give a range of figures with high-end costs reaching $11 billion and benefits reaching $440 billion. FDA estimates that banning trans fats could prevent 1,620 to 23,350 coronary heart disease deaths annually. It is difficult to examine the full extent of FDA's economic considerations. The result: an "economic analysis" that takes up less than a page based on an apparently as-of-yet not-publically-available memo dated June 11, 2015. At least FDA is consistent in utilizing economic analysis within such a short time window. The corresponding memo for the "Tentative Determination" is dated November 5, 2013 — three days before the agency published that determination. Perhaps FDA is technically within its bounds to make such a determination, but this stands as a high-profile example of flawed regulatory policymaking. A regulatory order that, within hours of its release, grabs dozens of headlines and admits to affecting the economy by billions of dollars annually ought to undergo a more rigorous, standardized and transparent process than this action.

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