Voter Registration
Getting voters registered and to the polls on election day are critical to success during any election. In recent years complaints have been raised against both major political parties regarding inappropriate and even fraudulent registration and poll activities. The hottest registration issue revolves around voter ID. The left says it is discriminatory and depresses minority turnout. They attack those who dare to support voter ID laws as “anti-voting rights activists and voter fraud hucksters”. The right says we need to verify that each voter is legal and besides it is nonsense not to have to show an ID in this country to vote ... we do it for much less critical activities (such as, cash a check, drive a car, board an airplane, buy medicine, visit a doctor, get government assistance, etc). So, what is the real issue? Voter registration got a lot of attention during the 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016 & 2018 election season. We expect it will get a lot of attention before and during the 2020 election season.

The Texas Voting Melodrama

from The Wall Street Journal,

Joe Biden says it’s ‘an assault on democracy.’ The facts say otherwise.

The bill has many odds and ends.

The Texas bill isn’t perfect, but no election law is since the exercise involves balancing ballot access, election security, ease of administration, and so forth. The point is that it’s hard to take seriously Mr. Biden’s narrative about an assault on democracy in a state that gives voters two weeks to cast a vote.

Look forward, then, to more overheated rhetoric from partisans like Mr. Biden. But remember that his histrionics are intended to give political cover to Democrats in Congress who want to override 50 state election laws by jamming through H.R.1 on a partisan vote. That’s the real voting-law outrage.

More From The Wall Street Journal (subscription required):

The Texas Voting Melodrama

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