In this section you will be able to follow the discussion regarding the US economy, unemployment and jobs, US budget deficit, US debt burden, Government entitlements (Social Security & Medicare), and government impact on the economy (financial reform, government regulations, housing markets, and crumbling infrastructure -transportation). Since Trump's tax cut of 2017, much criticism has been about corporate stock re-purchases. These occur all the time, by the way, so it is not some unusual occurrence. In 2016, before Trump was elected, Disney bought back $7.5B of its stock. So, other than greed, why would a company buy back stock that it had sold?

CPI Rundown

by Patrick Watson,
from Maudlin Economics,
Why You Should Read: July’s Consumer Price Index data came in about as expected, meaning it continued to show softening inflation. Now the big question is whether the data will convince the Fed to cut rates next month, and by how much. Peter Boockvar runs down the numbers for us. Key Points:
  • Headline and core CPI each rose by 0.2% in July. The year-over-year gains were 2.9% and 3.2%, respectively.
  • Energy prices were flat and food prices split: Eating at home is 1.1% more expensive than a year ago and eating out is up 4.1%.
  • Rents continue to be a key factor, up 5.1% in the last 12 months. Owner’s Equivalent Rent rose 5.3%.
  • Healthcare and auto insurance also remain important inflation contributors.
  • Core goods prices are the main disinflationary factor now, particularly vehicles and home-related goods.
Bottom Line: Boockvar believes the hoped-for 50 basis point cut next month is unlikely unless employment data turns more negative, but a 25 bp cut remains likely. John will have more on the inflation and Fed outlook in this weekend’s Thoughts from the Frontline. More From Maudlin Economics:

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