Biden coup

Hilarious & sadly obvious

from The Gray Area:

The Washington Post today had an article that said Biden’s withdrawal shows American democracy is working. They use evidence that does not apply to this situation. For example, there are succession plans for assassinations. Their are no succession plans for those who drop out as candidates. But, there is a process for candidate selection, and it is not determined by political elites, who then want to have an early ore-convention ballot count to rubber stamp their selection. Back room negotiations happen regularly in politics. They happened for the Democrats in April 2020, when Biden was selected among the competing group where no one could develop a commanding lead. This was not democracy either, but a candidate was presented to the remaining primary voters and to their convention. Party conventions are where back room negotiations occur to try to swing delegate votes for specific candidates. Not outside of conventions where a candidate is 'selected' and delegates are told who to vote for. Lyndon Johnson decided not to to run and the people chose their candidate at the convention in 1968. Nixon's resignation came after pressure from Congressional Republicans, but again, there is a succession plan in place for sitting President's who resign. These examples do nothing to support this situation with Biden. It is intended to cover up, once again, for what the Democrat leadership cabal is doing to the party and the country. They did not like the lack of energy Biden was giving their voters and he was losing the race. After the debate, the result was only a matter of time. There are those who say the Democrat elites pushed him into the debate knowing he would fail and they could then get him to quit. That didn't work either, so pressure had to get ratcheted up. What did they give him? Nobody outside the elite circles knows. But it did conveniently come after the failed assassination attempt of his opposition, Donald Trump, which gave Trump supporters even more energy. Even last week The Wall Street Journal said the Democrats are preparing for a Biden coup. One thing we’ve learned over the years is that Washington Democrats are ruthless when threatened by a loss of power. You almost have to admire their cold-blooded calculation. President Biden is now learning this harsh lesson as the Democratic-media complex organizes to, er, persuade him to withdraw from the presidential race. Speaking of cover ups, WaPo said that Biden succumbed to something far more prosaic: the ravages of age ... This was covered up by the White House, the campaign, the Democrat Party and the 'mass' media. Now totally exposed as liars, but too arrogant to be totally embarrassed, the same group continues to lie and cover up. They are denying this Biden 'coup'. They are denying they covered up Biden health The media is hiding the fact that Russian jets flew over Alaska the other day. The rating of VP Harris liberal voting record while in the Senate has mysteriously disappeared on line. Media and Dem leaders are saying that Kamala was nver the 'border czar'. The media is now pushing that Trump was not shot. And, then there is this: President Joe Biden unexpectedly announced on Wednesday that he had contracted COVID-19. On Thursday, Axios published a report citing staff predicting that Biden would drop out of the 2024 presidential race in the coming days. Bestselling author and radio host Seb Gorka highlighted some rather curious remarks Biden made about what he would do if he disagreed with then-President Barack Obama. “This is fascinating,” Gorka told The Daily Signal at the Republican National Convention Wednesday. “Moments ago, allegedly Joe Biden has caught COVID.” The Daily Signal depends on the support of readers like you. Donate now “You guys have to dig this up from the archives, before he became vice president, somebody asked him on camera, ‘What happens if you and Barack disagree?’” Gorka recalled. “Biden actually stumbles and says, ‘I don’t think we’d ever disagree, but if we did’—he said the following—‘I’d come up with an ailment and retire.’” Biden didn’t only say this once. Why? Because as they say during protests, 'whatever it takes'. The end justifies the means. And the end is to win in November. And that is hilarious, or sadly obvious.

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