
Fascism in America

from The Gray Area:

I agree with you Jason, we should be scared of fascism in America. Unfortunately, you missed the most obvious connection to Fascism, Socialism, Communism and Marxism in this country - the Democrat Party.

Lets use your three premises on how fascism works.

1. Mythic Past. What do you say to a people when you are getting worse in every area for over 50 years? Instead of telling them its worse, you tell them its bad and blame the other guy promising better every four years. Yet it continues to get worse. The only thing that is consistent is the leadership elite of the controlling party and the government. That is your father figure, the benevolent government. You say that fascist make people long for a past that is racially pure. Nothing President Trump has done supports that. You have just decided that is what he means.You and the rest of the media made it up out of whole cloth. As will come out later in #3, you create your own truth and call it fact.

2. Sow division. What division in this country did Trump sow? None. He called out the division that was created by the left. We all used to be Americans. We had different ethnicity and lineages, but we were all Americans. the left created divisions. African Americans. Asian American. Native American. Indian America. Muslim American. LBGTQ Americans. Gender identities. etc, etc. etc. Then assigned each with a grievance, some real some exaggerated for political effect. All Trump did was point out that we were all Americans and would all be treated like Americans. That what made us great was to the great melting pot which assimilated into America. The left then established an invasion without force of people who would come into this country free from any commitment to America, yet would be given all the rights and benefits, as long as they voted Democrat. Trump just pointed this out. He said that we were letting in terrorist, rapist and oth4r criminals, which we have, because no one was watching the border - on purpose. Has Trump taken away free speech? Has Trump attempted to take away right to possess arms, ahs Trump tried to take away free exercise of religion? Has trump taken away other Constitutional rights of people? No. Sure, you will say he tried to restrict Muslims. He did nothing to Muslims in this country. He tried to protest us from terrorist who happen to be Muslim. Those same terrorists that the left pretends are not associated with Islam. The left restricts free speech, free exercise of religion an free access to firearms. Every Fascism, Socialism, Communism and Marxism has done the same. Why didn't you mention that? That should scare everyone.

3. Attack the Truth. political correctness is the opposite of the truth. The reverence to the Trump election victory is not one of Trump, though he should receive credit for wining. But to the fact that his election has saved this country from the Fascism, Socialism, Communism and Marxism direction it was heading thanks to the radical democrats.

None of this is brand new. See Class of 2015!

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