2024 Politics


from The Gray Area:

President Biden today announced his proposal for Supreme Court reform. This was the sub-head statement in The Washington Post article: "We can and must prevent the abuse of presidential power and restore the public’s faith in our judicial system." That means 'restore the Democrat Party's faith' in our judicial system. In his first year in office, Biden appointed a Blue-Ribbon Commission to study questions about the court’s structure but took no action after it filed a lengthy but little-read report. There are 3 provisions in President Biden's proposal. 1. Constitutional amendment on presidential immunity 2. Term limits 3. Binding code of conduct As reported on FoxNews today; Much of this is unconstitutional, and all of it is radical. It is Dead on arrival. Just last week, when this intention was first announced, I wrote this question, Why Does the Court need reforming? Though today's announcement did not include a specific court packing provision, it certainly opens the door for the Democrat Senate to try to impose such a provision. Even without packing the Court, this proposal is an obvious political, not judicial or constitutional play. When the Court was dominated by left wing justices and decisions went dependably left wing, or such decision were joined in by right leaning Justices (like Obamacare), the Democrats and the media were satisfied with the Court. Now with a Court leaning different politically, the entire, constitutionally defined, '3 separate branches of government', has to be trifled with to serve isolated political desires for power. Living with Court decisions they don't like, as the Republicans have had to do for decades, is just not acceptable to the Democrat/media cabal.

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