Coverage of Biden vs Trump

New Trump political narrative - "BLOODBATH"

from The Gray Area:

The mainstream American media has again exposed its lack of journalistic integrity in favor of creating political propaganda which are spun negative to Donald Trump. This time it was Trump's comment about a 'bloodbath' in this country if he is not elected President. Team Biden has since continued to strip the comment of its automotive context and portray it as a call to violence. Even the Columbia Journalism Review stated, after beating up Trump for 6 paragraphs, that they believed his comment was about economic concerns Mr. Trump believes will exist if Biden is re-elected. But, the media could not resist even the most obvious of TDS attacks.

A Ben Shapiro tweet created quite a useful comment trail, further exposing the media's new 'bloodbath' political narrative. As The Federalist described, The media have been pseudo-analyzing Trump to impart dark meaning to his every word. Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar. Washington journalists and commentators, equal parts lazy and dishonest, have spent the days since attributing every other hysterical meaning they can dream up. The unintentionally funniest was NBC News’s “presidential historian” Michael Beschloss, who with great originality drew a direct link between Trump and the Holocaust. “When he uses the word ‘bloodbath,’ yes, it was in the context of an automobile industry speech,” he said Monday on MSNBC’s “Morning. Joe.” “But he knew exactly what he was saying.” Beschloss went on to say that what Trump meant was the opposite of what he actually said: “A major-party candidate is saying, ‘You elect me, there’s going to be dictatorship, bloodbath, violence, retribution against my political enemies’ that equals what we saw in Germany and Italy and other places.” sometimes, [as seen above] a bloodbath is, sadly, just a tired metaphor.

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