Coverage of Biden vs Trump

Censorship & Credibility

3/25/24; updated 3/26/24
from The Gray Area:
3/24/24; updated 3/26/24:
Former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel joins NBC, and the backlash from the left wing reporters is loud and unsurprising. Chuck Todd, previous host of “Meet the Press“, told Kristen Welker, after she had McDaniel on the show Sunday, 'I think our bosses owe you an apology for putting you in this situation.' What situation Chuck? Having an interview with the opposition? The interview revealed no interest on the part of Ms. Welker to have an open dialog, but to push  media narratives. “So when NBC made the decision to give her NBC News’s credibility, you got to ask yourself, ‘What does she bring NBC News?’” The answer Chuck is, credibility! NBC has none now. It is a left wing media outfit, period. Maybe McDaniel can stick to her Republican values and hold firm against the political narratives of Republicans held by the media. Then, if NBC doesn't fire her, they may instead generate a little credibility. The volume of this 'insurrection at NBC' was increased today by this distasteful article Please, everyone, welcome the Joker to the Gotham news team! . This article describes clearly who the audience is for NBC. It is only Democrats, that is all they want as an audience and they want to provide one party propaganda (political narratives), not news reporting (you know, uh, journalism). After reading this article, it should be clear that the NBC News organization needs an open minded approach and a realistic perspective on US politics. MSNBC’s president, Rashida Jones, has been trying to address internal backlash from Friday’s announcement, telling employees ‘there are no plans to have McDaniel on MSNBC', or at least won’t foist her presence on unwilling hosts’. Rachel Maddow and others at MSNBC further stated that NBC 'should disqualify her as a paid pundit'. What this means is that only 'paid pundits' who agree with us need apply! Quality journalism illuminated there. No surprise here. This is the same network who pretends the Republican Party is not fielding a candidate for the November elections by censoring everything Trump. More censorship desired by the media, more self-promoting delusion that they represent journalism, and less public credibility. I really hope McDaniel holds out against this attack on her, on free speech, and on a free & honest press to present something that will barely resemble balance in NBC reporting. More From The Washington Post (subscription required): More From CJR: More From JustTheNews:

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