Coverage of Biden vs Trump

'Free people' are needed to monitor a 'free press'

from The Gray Area:
A question to the media. Did President Trump incite a riot ('violent insurrection' in your words) at the Capitol on Jan 6, 2021? Your answer is certainly yes. But, according to Columbia Journalism Review (CJR), 'blaming the media for the Trump assassination attempt is cynical, invective, inappropriate and incoherent'. One, a politically motivated 'assessment' by the left-wing media is appropriate to blame Trump. The other, politically motivated 'invective' by the left-wing media, is 'inappropriate' to blame the media. In the same article, CJR gives examples of media extreme rhetoric and political narratives like; "is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs”, and, “would-be dictator”, which they subsequently excuse. They call these media actions 'less exceptional" than right-wing reactions might indicate. Because, they say, there are many other examples throughout our history of blaming the media. Thus trying to establish blaming the media as a knee jerk reaction. Certainly some truth tho that,  But, reason would also tell anyone with their feet squarely planted in reality that the media has an historical trend line for consistently inciting the public - - - on purpose. Other media narratives inciting the public seen and heard ad nauseam include:
  • MAGA insurrectionists
  • Biden: MAGA more dangerous that terrorism
  • a threat to democracy
  • authoritarian
  • Hitler
  • Trump is more extreme than Hitler
  • by any means necessary
  • for Trump to be “eliminated"
MRC President Brent Bozell posted on X,The leftist media have been pushing the narrative that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy and comparing him to Hitler. We shouldn’t be surprised that someone acted on that.” MRC has created a link, “ Trump Assassination Attempt" for all related stories. Click here for a compilation video by MRC’s Bill D’Agostino illustrating the media's depiction of Trump as a fascist and threat to democracy. These are similar kinds of invective the media convict Trump of using on Jan 6th.  When they shout them with incumbent media arrogance, they say it is truth & they expect media immunity. Is CJR saying that there is no place for media responsibility? Or, is media responsibility only necessary for right-wing media, not left-wing media? MSNBC took one of the worst media examples of this invective, Morning Joe, off the air this morning. Responsible, but way too late. However, ABCNews leaves  another, The View, on air today. The View predictably calls for 'gun control'. Nothing escapes the opportunity to push political narratives and to misdirect from news they don't like. The left-wing media further blame Trump for inciting violence which turned out to be against himself. 'Bloodbath', 'bedlam', etc, which are words they redefine as specifically violent, when they know those words are obviously used as a metaphor for the chaos, lack of leadership and destruction of American stability that Biden's policies have and will continue to cause. Should politicians and the left-wing media curb any level of words and phrases that can be misused by media or misconstrued by the public? Absolutely! No one is suggesting that we do not want or need a free press. We do want & need a 'free' press, no matter how horrible they act.  CJR does accurately state that "plenty of those right-wing critics were only too quick to tweet out the iconic images that the photographers at the rally—very much members of “the media”—risked their lives to capture. However, “even in a horrifying moment such as this, they (the media) just can’t help themselves,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) reacted.
  • “Trump rushed off stage after loud noises at rally,” read the front page of The Washington Post.
  • CNN’s version of the story was even worse, with “Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally.”
The media bias and political motivations are transparent. The control of bad, 'free' press should be in the hands of a 'free' people, to judge the quality of their 'free' press. A 'free' press should not be ascribed 'elite', expert status that they easily misuse. A 'free' press should not be subsidized by the government (NPR). And, based on their track record, media fact checkers should not be believed. We, a 'free' people, can and should chose not to watch, read or listen to the biased, sensationalized and often fictitiously reporting networks. Just like other bad businesses, at a maximum, they should go out of business for their poor performance.  At a minimum, lack of pubic support should marginalize them (The National Enquirer). More From CJR:

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