Republican - Vivek Ramaswamy

Winners & Losers - GOP Debate

from The Gray Area:

There were 3 winners and 5 losers from tonight's GOP Presidential debate. Losers. Gov Hutchinson, too old. Gov Burgum, his answers and concluding statement were not good enough. Nikki Haley, tried to show she was strong enough to handle the media & the left, but it didn't work. Chris Christie, his successes were too long ago and his failures too recent. Mike Pence is a good man, but he did not stand out tonight as the leader of the pack. Winners. Vivek Ramaswamy was articulate, held strong positions and displayed a passion & patriotism for the country. Tim Scott came off as the good guy he is. Very likeable and will make an outstanding VP candidate. Ron DeSantis displayed clear answers to all the questions addressed to him and displayed the strength and proven leadership Republicans need & want. The polling should begin to coalesce from these 8 toward primarily DeSantis, then Vivek and Scott.

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