Project 2025

"Over The Target"

from The Gray Area:
1/15/24; updated 7/5/24:
The attack on the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 has intensified. This is not unexpected. A public education and mobilization initiative to counter Project 2025, described as the Republicans’ blueprint attack on gender, immigration, racial equality, climate change, abortion, democracy, and more has been established by 'Stop The Coup'. They say that 'the GOP’s draconian vision for America is an unprecedented attack on our democracy and call for autocracy'. This kind of dramatic, over the top reaction from the left confirms the Project 2025 team is 'over the target'. Here is the way Wikipedia summarizes Project 2025's four pillars: In the Mandate's foreword, the Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts writes: "The long march of cultural Marxism through our institutions has come to pass. The federal government is a behemoth, weaponized against American citizens and conservative values, with freedom and liberty under siege as never before."[19] Project 2025's director is Paul Dans, who served as chief of staff at the Office of Personnel Management during the Trump administration. Spencer Chretien, a former special assistant to Trump, serves as associate director.[20] Dans, also an editor of the project's guiding document, explains that Project 2025 is "built on four pillars": Pillar I, a 30-chapter, 920-page book called Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise, which presents "a consensus view of how major federal agencies must be governed"; Pillar II, a personnel database to "be collated and shared with the President-elect's team", open to the public for submissions; Pillar III, an "online educational system" called the Presidential Administration Academy; and Pillar IV, a "playbook" designed for "forming agency teams and drafting transition plans to move out upon the President's utterance of 'so help me God. Our political divide has many sources, ideological foundations and partisan elements, but it comes down simply to this basic difference of political opinion: Big government vs Small government. Project 2025 is a small government strategy to get the bloated government out of the daily lives of the people. Big government supporters , who have participated in, are satisfied with, and want to find more ways to grow government, are obviously threatened by a strategy to get government under control. That is the essence of the debate. Project 2025 is not a 'disaster for workers', 'the economy' or a 'roadmap to authoritarianism' as the critics declare. Just the opposite. Project 2025 is not part of Donald Trump’s campaign. It does espouse conservative policy ideas. It does not call for a nationwide ban on abortion or contraception, that is a political narrative smear. It does not proclaim any authoritarian executive theory, it proclaims a Constitutional plan for all three branches of government. It is not to subvert and control the American people, but to return control to the people. It does include proposals to shrink the bureaucracy, but would not harm Americans, and is instead  consistent with American values, not woke progressive values. Small government by design cannot be authoritarian. Small government needs the people to run it. Big government needs a large bureaucracy, filled with un-elected bureaucrats and ideologically pure leadership. Our Constitution stands in the way of big government, which is why those who attack small government, also attack or try to redefine our Constitutional freedoms. During the past 8 years the actions of the media and the bureaucracy has become transparent. We have all seen the 'deep state' bureaucrats emerge and their decisions not be challenged. 2000 page bills passed by Congress that gives unilateral authority to government bureaucrats to interpret, is a serious problem, and not the country the founders created. More From Stop the Coup 2025!: More From Wikipedia:

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