Classified Docs

The first 'media' salvo against 2024 Joe Biden

from The Gray Area:

The discovery of classified documents at Joe Biden's office at the University of Pennsylvania brings up all kinds of thoughts about his mental state, "surprised to learn of classified docs"?, comparisons to Hillary Clinton in 2016 and the Donald Trump Mar-A-Lago FBI raid in 2022. Byron York, Chief Political Correspondent at the Washington Examiner, gives a thorough review of this story at this early stage below. What to do about Biden's classified documents? Is this serious? Don't know yet? But, today, a Special Counsel to Investigate the Biden Documents has been established. Is this story similar to Trump's classified documents scandal, don't know yet. Is it curious as to the fact that one President gets a raid after 18 months and the other does not after 6 years, yes. My early view on this story is that this is an orchestrated political maneuver with two objectives.

  1. Why did it take 2 months from the discovery on November 2nd, for the media to report this story? Is the media usually this slow to report such a story? Of course, not. The reporting delay was to eliminate any impact from the discovery on the 2022 mid-term election.
  2. Why is it now published immediately after the new Republican House is seated in Washington? Because there is now a positive benefit to the story. All political eyes now begin to focus on the 2024 Presidential election. Most Democrats, and most people in America, don't want Biden to run in 2024. But, he says he wants to run. How do the Dems get him not to run? Begin a two year plan to make it uncomfortable for him to run, but not uncomfortable for the Democrats to accept that they should chose another candidate. This should not be too difficult given his age and mental capabilities, but they have been downplaying thee for 2 years and will need more make the case look positive, and in the best interest of the nation.
That is what this story represents.  It is the first salvo in that plan to get Biden not to run in 2024. The left media will support him, for a while.  The right media will constantly attack him.  And, Donald Trump because of his classified documents scandal, can continue to be dragged through the mud with Biden. Perfect for the Democrat's 2024 plan. Watch for more to come. More From Washington Examiner:

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