
Probably a good idea

from The Gray Area:

Today Senator Mitch McConnell announced his resignation as leader of the Republican party of the Senate. He has been in the Senate since 1984 and the leader since 2007. He has served his party and his country well. In his leadership role he took strong positions on a number of issues throughout those years. The one he took on Supreme Court nominations in 2016 will stand in history. You can see the impact of that decision almost daily. He has been a strong, experienced politician, able to maneuver in the halls of Congress for 40 years to get the best possible outcomes, as he saw them, for his country. Give his recent falls and health challenges, he has taken heat from the right of his party to his leadership in Congress for conservative candidates and policies. The time is probably right for him to make this announcement. He will continue in the Senate until the end of his term, which is another three years. There will be very important policies and issues throughout the remainder of his term. Specially, after the November, 24 election. Thank you for your principled stands in the past and for those you will come across in the future.

May God Bless you.

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