2023 Blog

'a banana republic'

from The Gray Area:
I read this story, Trump, allies plot post-win revenge, yesterday in the Washington Post, another left wing newspaper like the DMN, who are really Democrat Party PR papers. They are regularly full of left wing political narratives and this article is a perfect example. I find it so amazing that they (WaPo & DMN) can report such things as Trump plans to ‘punish critics and opponents’; ‘to dispense with 50 years of policy and practice intended to shield criminal prosecutions from political considerations. Critics have called such ideas dangerous and unconstitutional’; and we would ‘resemble a banana republic’. People on the right have been saying for 3 years now that we already ‘resemble a banana republic’. Biden and his Democrat ‘allies’ have been doing these exact things every day since before he took office.
  • If you speak your opinion during an election season, your free speech is censored.
  • If you defend yourself with a gun, you go to jail.
  • If you speak your opinion on transgender, you are taken to court.
  • If you disagree with school curriculum, you are designated terrorists.
  • If you are Christian, you are attacked (Speaker Mike Johnson), and on and on.
This 'practice of punishing & prosecuting opponents' is on display in 4 indictments against President Trump and his ‘allies’ right now. They did nothing different questioning elections than Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, Stacy Abrams (which they could not prove either), but Trump, et al (Republicans), are not allowed to have an opinion about their election. Granted, no one should make a spectacle of the American election system, but, lets apply justice equally. 60 Minutes made the same attack last night. All this information is planned and timed for maximum message (political narrative) coverage. They can move along with this hypocrisy and sell it to the public through the media. Or, is all this orchestration of message because the left is scared to death that the right will actually break up the left's deep state stranglehold on the institutions of American government? The ground fire always get more severe when you are over the target. The Democrats open the door to such unconstitutional activities and the Republicans run right in behind them, as if it is now okay. It is not okay, but they do it anyway. It is always a trap for Republicans, at which point it will become an insurrection (we’ve already seen that, too) or a threat to democracy. Crime & violence in the street now is ignored by the media, but a Republican administration (Trump) will be targeted for it. A ‘banana republic’ for sure. More From Dallas Morning News:

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