2024 Election
The 2024 Presidential Election will be the polar opposite of 2020. In 2024 we see a long list of Republican candidates as we saw a flood of Democrat candidates in 2020. Donald Trump is the early 2024 Republican front runner by a large margin. But, given the 3 (maybe more to come) indictments, the 'never Trumper' crowd in the Republican party, and growing list of challengers; Gov. Ron DeSantis, former Gov. Asa Hutchinson, former Gov. Chris Christie, Gov. Doug Burgum, Larry Elder, former VP Mike Pence, former Gov. Nikki Haley, Perry Johnson, Sen. Tim Scott, and Vivek Ramaswamy. The 2024 Democrat field, is President Joe Biden and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Election day is November 5, 2024. The first primary date is currently Feb 3rd in SC, though Iowa is still trying to maintain its first in the nation primary status. 2024 primary dates. The Gallup Polls on 2024 presidential preferences and issue. Real Clear Politics latest election polls. Election Integrity Scorecard by state. 2024 Presidential Election Interactive Map

Continuous open insurrection on our streets, without consequences

from The Gray Area:
Does this sound like America?  Of course not.  It is embarrassing at the very least.  And, at its core, it is our elected leaders allowing anarchy in our streets, with regularity, without consequences.  Bailed out of jail and not prosecuted by the Democrat leaders on display in Chicago.  Those same elected officials who support such riots and bail funds and open jails. We know what to expect.  See the Wall Street Journal article below. Democrat Party radical groups will 'peacefully ' protest in Chicago.  They will bloc streets, destroy businesses, break into buildings, loot, terrorize, assault citizens, tear down monuments, start fires...all will be 'peaceful', right. No, none of these actions are peaceful.  They are not protected free speech.  They are vandalism, disturbing the peace, arson, robbery, assault and worse.  They were not in 2020, they were not on college campuses last winter and they have not been in multiple other cities and states ever since.  This is a gang war against the united states.  It is an attempt at mob rule and insurrection.  But, the political elites and the media will not call it that.  That word is reserved only for Republican (Trump) protestors trespassing at the Capitol in 2021. And consequences are reserved for those rioters only, they are not let out of jail. Realistically no one in this country fears going to an American city and being assaulted by Republicans.  That is just a joke.   They try to make you believe little ole men & women coming out of church (Christian Nationalists) are after you. I know you are scared to death of that. A false media political narrative, and worse. A deceptive practice designed to distort your view of reality. We are letting the same thing happen at our southern border.  Mexican cartels (gangs) are crossing over and creating havoc on both sides of the border and being distributed throughout our country by the Biden/Harris administration. Terrorist gangs are expanding their terrorism around the world while we just watch.  We give new territory and weapons to terrorists in Afghanistan.  This is all gang activity. Add to that countries who see the weakness in America. Russia and China increase their taunts and aggressive actions with war in Ukraine and war games around Taiwan. Iran threatens to attack Israel. Whether we admit it or not, we are at War with worldwide gangs. Local insurgent groups with many objectives, but one major goal, to minimize, downgrade or take over governments, like Israel & the USA. This all begins in our streets. Local street gangs are part of this gang war, too. They roam without restrictions harassing people, walking into and out of stores with merchandise, flipping off store workers who are told to give no resistance and police who will l do nothing, and smash and grab robberies. The war starts here! These radical left-wing gangs are organized, trained, and plan maximum disruption (which means destruction).  There are dark ideological forces egging these gangs n everywhere in the world.  We must recognize this before its too late.  It starts in our streets, but cannot end until these gangs are destroyed.  Otherwise, we will learn what the ancient Roman Empire learned when they ignored a similar threat and their empire was overrun by barbarians. I hope none of this happens in Chicago.
from The Wall Street Journal,
Their story begins in Atlanta, with the anti-police protests of 2020. The specter of 1968 haunts this year’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Protests turned into riots outside the DNC there 56 years ago, and footage calls to mind this year’s anti-Israel mobs. Democrats may hope that Kamala Harris’s ascension and her shunning of Gov. Josh Shapiro will appease the far left. But radical protesters scorn the Democratic Party and still want to create chaos in Chicago. “Whether it’s Genocide Joe, or Killer Kamala, the butchers of Gaza cannot be allowed to gather in Chicago undisturbed,” the self-described anti-imperialist organization Behind Enemy Lines proclaimed in an Instagram post last month. It called for protesters to “make it great like ’68” and to “shut down the DNC for Gaza!” The group is coordinating with Palestine Action US, which encourages vandalism and other unlawful acts, and Samidoun, the “Palestinian prisoner solidarity network,” which cheered Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre. Those are the usual suspects. Another factor is driving the protests toward escalation. The anti-Israel crowd has united with radical environmentalists and antipolice activists who have spent years honing unlawful tactics, which include setting up encampments, vandalizing property, brawling with the cops and “de-arresting” their comrades—physically intervening to prevent an arrest, including by pulling someone away from the police. They spent the last school year sharing their peculiar expertise with college students, and they’ve been core participants in this summer’s protests in New York City and elsewhere. Their story begins in Atlanta, with the antipolice protests of 2020. Rayshard Brooks, 27, failed a sobriety test, resisted arrest, punched an officer, grabbed another officer’s taser and fired it. Police shot and killed him. Rioters burned down the Wendy’s, attacked the state police headquarters, occupied the Wendy’s property, and declared it an “autonomous zone,” where an 8-year-old girl died in a shooting before the encampment was broken up. Less than a year later, Atlanta announced the development of a police training facility on forestland in DeKalb County. Some of the previous summer’s protesters dubbed the facility “Cop City” and vowed to stop it. Like many militant leftist movements, Stop Cop City, as supporters call it, is decentralized and non-hierarchical. “A wide array of folks” are involved, but they share an overarching “anticolonial” and “anticapitalist framework,” says Kamau Franklin, executive director of the Atlanta-based nonprofit Community Movement Builders. He adds that the forest site makes the facility “a place where both environmental concerns and overpolicing concern matched up.” More From The Wall Street Journal (subscription required):

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