Build Back Better Act
The $3.5T spending Bill has been paired down to about $1.75T and the draft bill, known as the Build Back Better Act.

Why BBB Would Be Hazardous to Your Health

from Goodman Institute,

The Build Back Better proposal is a 2,466-page bill with a realistic price tag of $4.7 trillion, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Although it promises to bring us all the benefits of a European-style, cradle-to-grave welfare state, there is much in the bill that would do real harm to our heath care as we know it.

Although it appears to be dead on arrival in the Senate, its backers hope to revive most of it. Here are three reasons to hope they fail. The first blow to the health care system comes from the regulation of drug prices.

A second blow to our health care system is the attack on our safety net.

A third blow to the health care system is throwing good money after bad through the ill-considered expansion of Obamacare.

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