Mayorkas impeachment

An impeachment on the merits

4/8/24; updated 4/9/24
from The Gray Area:
4/8/24; updated 4/9/24:
Taking the impeachment of DHS secretary Mayorkas to Chuck Schumer and the Democrat controlled Senate is like taking a mafia wiseguy to the godfather for a conviction, it won't happen. It also did not happen when the Democrats took both of their impeachments against President Trump to the Republican controlled Senate. That did not work for them and this will not work now either. All three impeachments include political motivations of the opposition, but the Trump impeachments were without evidence, supported by 'deep state' members of the 'resistance in the White House' and rushed through for totally political purposes. I  have argued previously not to proceed with an impeachment that has no chance of making it through the Senate.  My position has changed after reading the charges. There is a difference in the Mayorkas impeachment this time. The Mayorkas impeachment has been studied and investigated for over a year, even with the end result in the House,much less the Senate,  not certain. The case represents a dereliction of duty and ignorance of the law that is having a disruptive impact now and will have historic consequences for the country. By not enforcing the law, what he has allowed to happen will affect us for decades to come. Rep. Harriet Hageman (R-Wy.), one of the House impeachment managers stated in an op-ed details of the two charges and the rationale for proceeding:
  • On charge one, for example, the relevant statutes provide that all applicants for admission who are “not clearly and beyond a doubt entitled to be admitted…shall be detained for a removal proceeding.” Mayorkas has in fact violated four such ‘shall detain’ provisions of law and one ‘shall take into custody’. Use of the word ‘shall’ demonstrates that his responsibility is not optional, but is instead mandatory. Congress, in other words, has issued a mandate; Mayorkas has violated his obligation to comply.
  • The basis for the second charge of impeachment against Mayorkas rests on his willful failure and refusal to comply with the Secure the Border Act by replacing those enforcement initiatives he had abandoned (such as President Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy) with viable alternatives that would enable the Department of Homeland Security to maintain operational control of the border. He has also breached the trust of Congress and the American people by knowingly making false statements about the results of his willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law. He has lied, under oath, to both the House and Senate.
Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas has willfully facilitated and expedited the invasion of our borders, both by land and by air. Over 10 million illegals, a number 17 times the population of my home state of Wyoming, have been encouraged to enter, and there is no end in sight. Included in these numbers are over 340 known individuals who are on the terrorist watch list, which is more than the encounters in all of FY17, FY18, FY19, FY20, FY21, and FY22 combined. Advertisement We have now learned that Mayorkas has been flying illegal aliens to airports all across the country and releasing them into the general population in an attempt to suppress the number of invaders entering via the ground and to “expedite” the process. This is more than losing control of the border, it is a brazen and intentional violation of the rule of law. Mayorkas has violated his oath of office and is derelict in his obligation to keep us safe from enemies foreign and domestic. The House did not impeach Secretary Mayorkas because of “differences in policy” as claimed by the Democrats. He has violated the law as outlined above and must be held accountable. The Senate has an obligation to hold a trial, to hear the evidence presented, and to seriously deliberate after the evidence is heard. This is not theater; it is a solemn duty that has been followed in all 21 prior impeachments. Now is not the time for the Senate to refuse to carry out their duty. House managers in the case will deliver the two articles of impeachment to the upper chamber on Wednesday, nearly two months since the lower chamber voted to impeach Mayorkas. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer told members in a “Dear Colleague” letter sent last Friday that confirmed the Senate would receive the articles Wednesday, when Mayorkas is also scheduled to appear on Capitol Hill for a pair of congressional hearings related to the DHS budget. Impeachment proceedings are slated to begin in the Senate on Thursday. Sen. Schumer could do one of two things:
  1. Hold a vote on a motion to table the articles of impeachment and dismiss them
  2. Refer the articles to a special evidentiary committee in an attempt to bury them
These members of the House will argue the case for impeachment before the Senate. Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn) Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) Rep. Ben Cline (R-Va.) Rep. Michael Guest (R-Miss.) Rep. Andrew Garbarino (R-N.Y) Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia) Rep. August Pfluger (R-Texas) Rep. Harriet Hageman (R-Wy.) Rep. Laurel Lee (R- Florida) If Congress can only count partisan votes when proceeding with or convicting on something as serious as this, then what good is Congress. If Sen. Schumer decides not to bring it up the case for a vote, that historic decision will send a message across the country. The message? That Sen. Schumer would rather have the country lose confidence in Congress, than have evidence regarding the border brought up in public.  If a trial is set and some Republicans, and maybe a few Democrats, don't vote to convict, that makes the statement that they individually are not serious representatives of the people they represent. It will go out to their individual voters back home and the rest of the country. Conservative advocacy group Heritage Action is planning to target Senate Republicans who have voiced plans to vote against proceeding with a trial on the impeachment. The sister organization of the Washington-based Heritage Foundation, a nonprofit think tank, told the Washington Examiner on Monday morning that it will unleash its own campaign to whip GOP senators into line and ensure the Mayorkas trial comes to fruition later this week. More From Washington Examiner: More From Townhall:

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