Antipoverty and climate plan ($3.5T)

Provisions of the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill

from The Gray Area:
This week is an important one because of three issues converging on Congress simultaneously. 1. Debt Limit. 2. Infrastructure bill vote. 3. Biden's $3.5T spending bill. Each is tied to the other. The result will impact the future of this country, positively or negatively, depending on your political perspective. And, depending on reality.
  1. Debt Limit. Democrats have tied the debt limit increase to the spending measure. Without a debt limit increase, the other 2 bills cannot move forward because they will exceed the limits authorized. Republicans in the Senate are standing firm that they will not vote to support a debt limit increase. That would leave the Democrats alone to pass it, 51-50. The Republicans feel that would be politically damaging for the Democrats as it would demonstrate fiscal irresponsibility.
  2. The $1T Infrastructure bill has been passed with bi-partisan support in the Senate. The bill's name would lead you to believe that significant money is being spent on a very important American project. However, that is a misnomer as only 10% of the “infrastructure” bill is for traditional roads and bridges, the rest going to 'human' & 'climate' infrastructure. Pelosi has tied the Infrastructure vote in the House to the $3.5T spending bill and some moderate Democrats has said they will not support it.  A vote for the bipartisan deal is a vote to unlock $3.5 trillion in reconciliation spending.
  3. The $3.5T spending bill has it's own issues, with factions of the Democrat party at odds, plus Republican opposition. Senator Joe Manchin explained, Why I Won’t Support Spending Another $3.5 Trillion.  The radical left elements of the Democrat party have said they will not vote for either if certain provisions are not included, such as, Immigration reform, amnesty and other provisions, and they believe it should be $7T. This internal dispute has gotten so bad that Biden has attempted to bring the warring Democrats together, and the Progressive base and media are attacking any Democrats who are not on board with the plan. The Congressional parliamentarian has said that immigration policies cannot be included in the Reconciliation bill, which is the $3.5T spending bill.
  • Here is what's in the $3.5T spending bill, from the left's perspective as reported by CNN:
  • Here is what in the $3.5T spending bill from the right's perspective as reported by Heritage Action For America. The bill includes a laundry list of Left-wing agenda items including:
    • Providing amnesty for 8 million individuals.
    • Funding abortion on demand.
    • Expanding government-run healthcare; Obamacare, Medicare, Medicaid and threaten access to life saving drugs.
    • Raising energy prices.
    • Giving blue states a bail out.
    • Subsidizing green energy and Left-wing groups.
    • Increasing taxes for businesses large and small.
    • Increase the IRS budget by 6x creating an army of IRS tax enforcers to harass the American people.
    • This bill would fundamentally remake American society to benefit government bureaucrats, Left-wing interest groups, and coastal elites while taxing and controlling hard-working American families.
    • The bill would cost 5.3 million jobs, $1.2T in income would be lost, and the GDP would lose $3.7T.
Does the country need $3.5T worth of non-essential spending right now?  After two rounds of Trillion dollar spending for COVID, some $2T. When we need more people working. When we need to power our economic engine. Why would we want to retard either. Answer is, NO, we don't. This is political, period. It values no one in the country other than the political class, their financial base and the globalists around the world.

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