2022 Mid Term Elections

Will it matter in Pennsylvania?

from The Gray Area:
The debate in Pennsylvania last night between Dr. Mehmet Oz and John Fetterman was hard to watch. I felt bad for Fetterman. Watching him is like watching Joe Biden. The same questions come to mind. Why would his wife allow this embarrassment for her husband? Why would the Democrats allow this embarrassment for their party? They must be desperate is the answer. Normally, common sense would tell you that Dr. Oz, despite his progressive infuriating answer on abortion, after this debate, he should win comfortably. But, as we know, common sense is a rare commodity these days. Worse, though, is the state of our democracy in Pennsylvania. You would think after the debacle in that state in the 2020 Presidential elections, political leaders would have taken the necessary steps to correct it's election problems .Other states did, but Pennsylvania did not. They tried, but ended up fighting against each other, with some questions still unanswered. Therefore, it is only natural to assume we will see the same thing on November 8th, and for at least a week after, that we saw in 2020, in 2022. According to goerie.com, Pennsylvanians are still able to use no-excuse mail-in voting. Those interested must go to their local elections office to request a ballot in person. Applicants must bring identification, such as a driver's license, or provide the last four digits of their Social Security number. Approximately 1.1 million mail-in ballots had already been requested as of Oct. 11. Less than 53,000 have been returned thus far, and election officials are barred by law from opening them until Election Day. The process has also been complicated by a conflict over whether undated or mis-dated ballots can be counted. Individuals on parole or probation; incarcerated for a misdemeanor; incarcerated while awaiting trial or serving house arrest can vote. Voting rights are restored automatically at the end of a sentence. Another development to watch in November is related to how undated ballots are handled. The U.S. Supreme Court tossed a lower court decision to allow these votes to count. Wolf's administration has brushed this off and announced that the commonwealth is still advising county election officials to tally these votes. So, will the debate matter in Pennsylvania on 2022? Or, will vote counting stop again? Will vote counting resume in the middle of the night? Will results change over the following week as mail-in ballots are counted? The Virginia Governor's race in 2021 was a surprise when widespread concern existed about voter fraud. Maybe historic turnout in Pennsylvania will overpower the forces of evil and democracy will survive in Pennsylvania. We can hope & pray. Oops, and it begins.

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