Hunter Biden's gun case (Delaware) & the secret service

Wow! Irony? Hypocrisy? Privilege?

from The Gray Area:
The Washington Post reported today How a conservative court ruling could save Hunter Biden. Here is the the idea:
from The Washington Post,
Irony alert: A misguided ruling from the conservative-dominated Supreme Court — a decision that President Biden has said “contradicts both common sense and the Constitution” — might save Hunter Biden from the gun charges just filed against him. Last year, in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, the court upended its approach to gun rights, saying that the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms permits only those gun restrictions that have a basis in “history and tradition.” That blinkered interpretation has set off a flurry of challenges to existing gun laws in the lower courts as judges have been forced to scour colonial-era statutes for analogies to modern-day regulations. In Hunter Biden’s case, that means finding historical antecedents for the federal law that prohibits those who use illegal drugs from purchasing or possessing firearms. His lawyers have signaled their intention to use the high court’s ruling in Bruen as a basis for challenging the charges. “Our response to the charge in court will point out that the United States Department of Justice, which is supposed to protect the constitutional rights of all Americans, by bringing its firearm charge, is disregarding the rulings of the Supreme Court and the Fifth Circuit and is seeking to punish Mr. Biden for exercising a constitutional right these courts have stated he has,” Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, told me. Wow! It is shocking to hear this left wing newspaper reporting positively about a 'constitutional right to bear arms'. It is equally shocking to hear an attorney with a left leaning client making the same statement in any gun related case. Ironic? Yes, for a Democrat Administration who has never found gun regulations they did not like, to be seeking a pass for buying guns while addicted to drugs! Quite ironic, not to mention inconsistent, but that's not all. Hypocritical? Of course, ... complications, the same prosecutors were going to let him off easy two months ago with a plea deal. How do you now indict on those issues without looking foolish, or obvious? You don't, but, that's not all. Political preference? Yes, the double standard is pretty obvious in this case, where is Hunter's mugshot? But, that's not all. All of the above? Yes, but that's not all either. This story also offers a chance for the media to support several important political narratives. Repeatedly supporting political messaging is critical to convincing the public to believe the elite media narratives. 1. Attacks on the Supreme Court. 'a conservative court ruling'; 'A misguided ruling from the conservative-dominated Supreme Court'; President Biden has said “contradicts both common sense and the Constitution”. 2. Gun control. 'lower courts as judges have been forced to scour colonial-era statutes for analogies to modern-day regulations'; 'to punish Mr. Biden for exercising a constitutional right these courts have stated he has. 3. Republican overreach. By politically assaulting Hunter Biden for 3 years with frivolous and 'void of evidence' attacks, the Republicans are converting personal issues into political and legal issues. This case,  with a drug addicted adult, buying a gun, and handling it irresponsibly, should be an easy guilty verdict. To do otherwise, using President Biden's own words, “contradicts ... common sense", no to mention, Democrat gun control political narratives. More From The Washington Post (subscription required):

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