Hunter Biden's Tax case - California

"We will have no further comment"

from The Gray Area:
6/20/23; updated 6/21/23:
Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden defended their son Hunter in a statement after his guilty plea deal on tax and gun charges" "The President and First Lady love their son and support him as he continues to rebuild his life," said a statement from the White House. "We will have no further comment." Well, I guess that's it. "We will have no further comment" from the President. Since he apparently will answer no further questions on the subject, the media will now dutifully ignore the subject with the President. Can you imagine if this were one of Donald Trump's sons or daughter how the media would react? An example of the crime family Trump created, the media would say. If they are doing this it is because they saw their father do it, the media would continue. And, questions would increase, along with negatively framed statements offered as questions, and the volume of the reporters voices. But none of this is to be expected for President Biden. Maybe a right wing reporter may try and get lambasted by the left wing press for the classless attempt. Chris Clark, an attorney for Hunter Biden, said in a statement that he believes the federal investigation against his client is now "resolved." "I know Hunter believes it is important to take responsibility for these mistakes he made during a period of turmoil and addiction in his life. He looks forward to continuing his recovery and moving forward." The Washington Post has already become covering for the President; The complicated relationship between a presidential father and a struggling son. Biden’s plea deal on the tax charge brings an end to a five-year investigation that has probed Biden’s business dealings in China, Ukraine, and elsewhere. The U.S. attorney’s office in Delaware opened an investigation into Biden in 2018. The investigation had stalled, leading to allegations from IRS whistleblowers that President Joe Biden's Justice Department had stymied the probe for political reasons. Let's look at this timeline for a second. An investigation started in 2018, followed by the Hunter's father being elected President and Democrat control of Congress in 2020. Then, in 2022, when the House turns over leadership to the Republicans, and whistleblowers come forward pointing fingers at both Hunter and Joe Biden on bribery charges and influence peddling. Now, in mid-2023, a plea deal against the least of all charges is agreed and Mr. Clark says the case agaisnt his client is now "resolved". Common sense would tell you that this investigation dragging on during Democrat control of political power and coming to a quick conclusion under partial Republican control and more damaging allegations, is not just coincidental. Like the President Trump documents indictment, this is done for political reasons. "Resolved', and "no further comment". Trump immediately seized on Biden’s plea agreement, saying in his Truth Social platform that the corrupt Biden DOJ had handed the president’s son “a mere traffic ticket.” He wrote: "Wow! ... Our system is BROKEN!" Brett Tolman of Right on Crimes said in a series of tweets: DOJ is violating its own internal policies on this case. The Ashcroft Memo requires they charge the “highest provable offense” and seek consistent sentences with other cases brought by DOJ. ... Thousands of people have been prosecuted under Project Safe Neighborhoods by DOJ. They brag about getting nearly 5 years of prison time on average for their gun cases. If they followed policy, Hunter would be looking at a minimum of 5 years in federal prison. But he’s a Biden. Dan Bongino offered the following interesting tidbit: Biden sitting outside White House on Monday (June 19th) with Lisa Monaco, 2nd in charge at DOJ...On Tuesday, June 20, 2023, plea deal for Hunter comes down.....? House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said that the Hunter Biden plea agreement reached Tuesday “enhances” the congressional probe digging into the Biden family’s alleged influence peddling. “This does nothing to our investigation,” McCarthy told reporters Tuesday. “Actually, it should enhance our investigation because the DOJ should not be able to withhold any information now saying that it is a pending investigation. They should be able to provide Chairman Comer with any information that he requires.Comer said in a statement Tuesday the charges announced against Hunter Biden today will have “no impact on the Oversight Committee’s investigation.” CNN offered the following Republican reactions to the deal: House Oversight Chair James Comer and other House Republicans have slammed the Justice Department for their conduct surrounding Hunter Biden despite not knowing any details of how US Attorney David Weiss, a Trump appointee, operated during his five-year investigation.
  • Comer, criticized the Justice Department for allegedly giving Hunter Biden “a slap on the wrist,” calling the plea deal a “sweetheart plea deal.
  • House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik, a Republican from New York who sits on the so-called weaponization subcommittee, said in a statement provided to CNN that "House Republicans will not rest until the full illegal corruption of the Biden Crime Family is exposed.”
  • Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican from Georgia, framed the Department of Justice in a tweet as “pathetic and weaponized.”
  • Rep. Bob Good, a Republican from Virginia, called Attorney General Merrick Garland “compromised and politicized” and claimed in a statement the DOJ had “no interest” in investigating the Biden family’s business dealings.
  • Rep. Darrell Issa, a Republican from California, called the plea deal in a tweet as “only the first crack in the Biden corruption cover-up.”
The political double standard screams out with this decision like it does with many others. The political media and Democrats impeach President Trump for calling Ukraine about corruption saying he is targeting his 2020 potential political rival. Then they indict Trump, Biden's potential political rival in 2024, for handling documents in a similar way every other President has done or worse (Biden). They go after Trump's son, Don Jr. for having a meeting with a Russian, but leave Hillary Clinton alone after hiring a foreign agent on her campaign, hides the fact, and has him work with Russian agents.They go after Trump's son in law, Jared Kushner, senior advisor to the President from 2017 to 2021and also Director of the Office of American Innovation. Kushner operating on official government business and negotiating peace deals is apparently illegal to the Democrats and the media. But, they originally hide, then ignore Hunter Biden and evidence about bribery, influence peddling and worse. This is why confidence in American institutions and particularly the FBI & Justice Department is at an all time low. Has the curiosity of journalists evaporated? Or, is media interest filter through political ideology? "We will have no further comment"!!!!! More From Washington Free Beacon: More From Daily Signal: More From The Wall Street Journal (subscription required): More From CNN:

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