2021 Blog
The Gray Area (TGA) Blog is a display of TGA blog posts on a variety of subjects during the year.

The last four words are the most telling

from The Gray Area:
Bill DeBlasio announced yesterday, via Twitter, the first in the nation vaccine mandates for NYC. The reaction has been as expected, revulsion from the right and celebration from the left. In his tweet below, he included so many political narratives and falsehoods that it is almost hard to listen to the substance of his announcement, vaccine mandates. For example, he accurately states that NYC was one of the epicenter's of the COVID pandemic in the US. Then he follows it up with falsehoods: -"we had no PPE or ventilators. We were alone! " False. Trump supplied all the ventilators NYC needed, when they needed them. He did not supply the 40,000 Cuomo said they needed, because they didn't. That was just more of Cuomo running around like a chicken with his head cut off in panic with no idea what to do. Trump supplied 14,000 ventilators they needed. He also retrofitted a cruise ship into a hospital ship and parked it in NY harbor. That, after setting up a temporary hospital in Central Park. Neither of which were used to any significant level. -"We are now the safest place in this country". False. Winter's coming, NY will get its next wave, maybe Omicron, but it will happen. And, thinking a little broader than COVID, with all the crime in the streets of NYC, no one should claim they are safe there. That due to COVID and other disastrous policies by DeBlasio and Cuomo. -"We can leave COVID behind once and for all." Zero COVID is a fool's errand and everyone in the world now knows it. Apparently DeBlasio still has blinders on to the truth. But, the only other truth DeBlasio told and the biggest tell of all is in the last four words of his tweet: "We can't go back!" This is what we have all been saying since the start of COVID and reviewing all the restrictive and lockdown Democrat policies, they will never go away. DeBlasio admits it here. More to come folks.

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