2021 Blog
The Gray Area (TGA) Blog is a display of TGA blog posts on a variety of subjects during the year.

So, which is it?

from The Gray Area:
There is much in the news about the new Omicron COVID variant as well there should be given the impact of COVID and its variants on the world the past 2 years. But it continues to be curious how reports differ so wildly. Here are a few: Europe tuns to new restrictions as Omicron cases rise. Omicron detected in 17 states Omicron possibly more infectious because it shares genetic code with common cold coronavirus, study says Fauci says Omicron variant ‘might evade immune protection Fauci says Omicron variant ‘might evade immune protection Stocks and Oil Rise on Hopes of Milder Covid Variant Clearly the media, and others, are publishing reports that support their preferred narratives. All left wing media continues to hype COVID and all its variant as a killer and lockdowns are again possible. Biden says it is an "cause for concern, but not panic", and again tells everyone to get vaccinated, while simultaneously saying the vaccinations may not work against this variant. All this sows chaos which is a political narrative of the left with regard to COVID. If you have chaos, no one can concentrate on serious issues facing the country. They can only concentrate on the chaos, or the fire burning in front of them. Right leaning media are following the path that so many polls are finding, Republicans are less and less concerned about COVID. They have tired of the oppressive restraints to freedom and the overall weakness and cowardly response of our political leaders to the pandemic and its variants. Right leaning media uses data to report the Omicron seems less serious. So, which is the accurate assessment of the Omicron variant today? There are clear political ramifications that continue with regard to our COVID response. As President, Biden faces the public's response as Trump did. Biden obviously carries media support, vs Trump getting media attacks. Truth is we probably don't know yet. But, that hasn't stopped the media. Seems to me the investment world has made a decision, this thing is not so bad and the markets are going back up. When people respond with their money, that sends a clear message.

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