Black Lives Matter
BLM organization’s website shows that the idea of protecting black lives and seeking justice is merely a vehicle to advance a different, radical set of ideas. The organization is more dedicated to gaining political power and remaking America according to Marxist ideology. Two of the group’s three co-founders are even “trained Marxists,” according to one of them. And it shows. The group’s platform includes planks unrelated to improving black lives, like trying to get the U.S. to divest from Israel, which it calls an “apartheid state” while accusing Jews of committing genocide against Palestinians. The organization also has called for dismantling the family, saying, “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.” The breakdown of the black family and the rise of single-parent households is one of the root causes of poverty, crime, drug abuse and poor educational achievement in many black communities. Why would anyone who’s supposedly working for black progress want to tear down the very thing that helps to achieve it?

It Had To Happen

from The Gray Area:

At some point, you knew this would have to happen. This kind of lawlessness cannot be left to run free.

Finally, even the mayor of Seattle, who formerly praised the demonstration and call it the 'summer of love' had to walk back her remarks and respond to the four shootings, multiple injuries, two deaths, homeless influx into the area and complaints from residents and business.

Common sense prevailed. Too bad common sense was not prevalent when it started. Nor will it be present in Seattle in the aftermath.

That's why this man said I'm leaving Seattle for Texas so my employees can be free.

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