Immediately, when the Coronavirus panic exploded, everyone went out and bought every mask of every type they could find and began to hoard them for the coming pandemic disease holocaust. The result was not enough medical masks, (N95 type) for nurses, doctors and other first responders. Like everything else regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, this too became a political football.

Mayor Garcetti Institutes 'Hold-Your-Breath' Mandate In Los Angeles

from Babylon Bee,

As the Super Bowl approaches, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti has instituted a citywide "hold-your-breath" order to keep people safe during the big game. "As I said earlier this week when reporters asked me why I wasn't wearing a mask at the NFC Championship game, I was holding my breath, so it was ok," said the Mayor to reporters. "There is a zero percent chance of infection if you're holding your breath. That's just science. That's why today I'm issuing a 'hold-your-breath' mandate. If everyone just holds their breath for 15 days, we'll get through this thing. We're all in this together!" "Now 3... 2... 1... HOLD YOUR BREATH!"

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