2020 Politics

The MEDIA called Melania a prostitute, and no one got fired!

from The Gray Area:

Joseph Epstein wrote an article in the Wall Street Journal about Jill Biden's doctorate in education and the media referring to her as "Dr." Jill Biden. For that, the media went ballistic. You cannot attack anyone of 'theirs' on the left. This cannot stand and must be cancelled. Joseph Epstein wiped from university website after backlash over ‘sexist drivel’ Jill Biden column. Well, that should do it!

Interesting to note and compare the constant media attacks on Melania Trump for four years got nothing but support from other media outlets. Daily Mail said, "claimed that rather than working as a model, the first lady was actually a “high end escort". In a lawsuit, Trump received $2.9M.

Oops, they quietly got caught. But that didn't inform the public of the false narratives. Neither did it stop them.

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