Gender dysphoria is a condition where a person experiences discomfort or distress because there's a mismatch between their biological sex and gender identity. It's sometimes known as gender incongruence. Biological sex is assigned at birth, depending on the appearance of the genitals. Political debate on this is not only divisive in our culture but tears at the basis of our human condition.

How Jesus Redeemed My Gender Confusion - Dr. Linda Seiler

from FocusontheFamily,

Linda Seiler shares her remarkable story about growing up desperately wanting to be a boy. She describes her 20-year struggle with gender confusion and same-sex attractions, which were not resolved after her conversion to Christianity. After confessing her secret to a college pastor who exemplified God’s compassion and grace, Linda spent the next 11 years seeking healing and restoration of her true identity as a woman. An identity that she completely embraces today!

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