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Gray Area
Democrat Socialists of America
According to Wikipedia, The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is an organization of democratic socialist, social democratic and labor-oriented members in the United States. The DSA has its roots in the Socialist Party of America (SPA). The organization has at times endorsed Democratic electoral candidates—notably Walter Mondale, Jesse Jackson, John Kerry, Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders—and the Green Party candidate Ralph Nader. map of DSA chapters Map of DSA chapters as of January 2019 The DSA is not only by far the largest socialist organization in the United States in the 21st century, it is also the largest socialist organization in the United States in over a century.

Misinformation by AOC

from The Gray Area:
AOC got a lot of attention responding to a tweet that 'Socialism Sucks' with her own whisper tweet. Her base hypothesis in this tweet is this is how you respond to someone calling you a Socialist.  She says: 1. No one knows what Capitalism is. 2. No one knows what Socialism is. 3. talk about policies. - because they don't have any capital - people die without insulin - should fossil fuel CEOs decide whether the planet should be set on fire? Wrong, wrong  & wrong. You've got to love her though. She is so funny & predictable. She makes two good points about people's awareness of Capitalism & Socialism, but: Why doesn't she tell you what Capitalism is? Why doesn't she tell you what Socialism is? Because the definitions kill her arguments. And, then she tells her followers to talk about policies.  Ha, ha, ha, ha.  Now that is funny.  She and her cohorts avoid discussion of polices and instead hide them in legislation with great sounding names like the Equality Act, the PRO Act, For the People Act and may more, and/or bury them in 2,000 page legislation about something else entirely, like Omnibus. Let's look at her examples. First, nobody is a billionaire. People in this country have started businesses with zero money in their pockets and grown those businesses to tremendous success.  Most people make a living by having jobs that were created by people with capital, or those who started without capital and have grown to need employees. Her position that only people with money succeed in a free, capitalist society is just Marxist political narrative on her part with no basis in fact.  This Capitalist republic model has improved living conditions for people around the world for 246 years. Second, no one should die because they cannot get insulin. Certainly a statement most people would agree with. Even though throughout human history, millions did die from diabetes and other diseases. We have made such strides in medicine as to create an expectation that no one will die. Obviously not reality. I had a relative on dialysis and she died while walking out of the treatment room. Neither is her comment about people today not having access to insulin correct. Medicaid supports people with healthcare who do not have the resources needed to get quality healthcare, including diabetic supplies and insulin. In addition, there are a number of other alternative methods to find insulin on the same site. Under Socialism, everyone is brought down to the lowest level of healthcare, controlled by the government. The government cannot provide the highest quality of care for everyone. Look at Socialist healthcare systems, specifically for tax burden & wait times.  In some cases those wait times are life threatening. Socialism isn't selective, it doesn't just add access to insulin. Whatever you add includes taking away all your freedoms. Third, this is simply climate alarmism & basic Marxism.  CEOs aren't free to 'set the planet on fire' and never have been.  If and when CEOs do something wrong, they lose their jobs, go to jail and/or lose their money. Marxism demonizes corporations and their executives in order to get the public to let the government take over. Look at the examples below to see how that works out. AOC's tweet is simplistic at the least, and premeditated lies at the worst. You decide. Either she is a fool, or she is evil. There is no middle ground here, because she takes no middle ground. You are either with her or against her. Those against her can find policy middle ground among themselves. Those for her can only agree with her Marxist ideology as a solution. An ideological solution that has presented misery EVERY SINGLE TIME IT HAS BEEN TRIED OR FORCED ON A PEOPLE! Check out this recent review of Cuba. And, here is AOC's mentor, Bernie Sanders, Cuban Illiteracy. Check out this sobering video about Argentina. Check out this review of Venezuela. And, this one. And, this one. Venezuela's misery is unending. We could continue this list of countries destroyed by Socialism, of course, but you get the point. This Socialism argument is a non-starter - PERIOD!

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