Trump Congressional hearings
The 2019 House, whose leadership was transferred to Democrats after the 2018 midterm elections, is planning many investigations into President Trump, his business, his campaign, his inauguration and anything else they can come up with. This tab is designed to list those activities as they develop.

Robert Mueller’s Capitol Hill Hearing Is Delayed by a Week

from The Wall Street Journal,

New date for former special counsel’s testimony could allow more time for questioning by lawmakers.

A House Judiciary Committee hearing with former special counsel Robert Mueller, who investigated possible obstruction of justice by President Trump, has been delayed by a week until July 24, according to a person familiar with the matter. Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D., N.Y.) had been negotiating with Mr. Mueller’s team for a longer questioning session, which the new date could allow for. The two hours of time originally allotted for questioning had become a point of contention within the Democratic caucus because it risked preventing some Democratic members from asking questions. It wasn’t immediately known what the new date meant for a House Intelligence Committee hearing with Mr. Mueller also scheduled for July 17.

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