2019 Politics
2019 begins a year of Democrat control of the House of Representatives after their success during the midterm elections of November, 2018. The Democrats have stated they plan to be a check on Trump, and to be an investigative body hoping for impeachment, or at a minimum, such a distraction as to make Trump's last two years ineffective. 2019 could be more drama than 2017 & 18.

Pelosi to Delay Sending Impeachment Articles to Senate

from The Wall Street Journal,

House speaker wants more clarity on rules for Senate trial of President Trump, who denounced her decision.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi indicated Thursday that she would delay sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate, seeking more clarity on the rules for President Trump’s trial and potentially pushing the proceedings well into the new year. Mrs. Pelosi’s comments drew condemnation from Republican lawmakers and President Trump, but the California Democrat said that she couldn’t select impeachment managers and advance the matter without more details about the Senate’s plans for a trial, which she has said should be conducted in a manner that she considers fair. “When we see the process that is set forth in the Senate, then we’ll know the number of managers that we may have to go forward and who we will choose,” Mrs. Pelosi said shortly before the House adjourned for the rest of the year.

“Now the Do Nothing Party want to Do Nothing with the Articles,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter, while Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) said: “If the speaker ever gets her House in order, that mess will be dumped on the Senate’s lap.”

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