2019 Politics
2019 begins a year of Democrat control of the House of Representatives after their success during the midterm elections of November, 2018. The Democrats have stated they plan to be a check on Trump, and to be an investigative body hoping for impeachment, or at a minimum, such a distraction as to make Trump's last two years ineffective. 2019 could be more drama than 2017 & 18.

I laughed out loud when I saw this headline.

from The Gray Area:

According to National review, In June 2012, Holder was found in contempt of Congress over his actions in the fallout of the “Fast and Furious” gun scandal. The DOJ operation, which was intended to track illegal gun sales, ended up arming Mexican cartels. After news of the operation emerged, Holder’s assistant attorney general sent a letter to Congress declaring that the Obama administration had no knowledge of the operation, which Holder later admitted was “inaccurate.”When Congress subsequently subpoenaed documents from the DOJ after hearing of department retaliation against whistleblowers, Holder tried to arrange a deal to not hand over all the subpoenaed documents related to Fast and Furious. President Obama then invoked executive privilege the same day Holder was found in contempt after 15 months of negotiations.

Obama's self described 'wingman', is one of many on the left who are attacking William Barr. The fear regarding his investigation, lead by John Durham, are going to become more visible as his investigation continues. Mr. Holder even sent a message in his WaPo article that sounded like a threat.

Watch this interview on NBC with AG William Barr, and then ask yourself, does he sound like an intelligent, reasonable and professional attorney general? Does he appear unfit? Then ask yourself about Mr. Holder.

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