2019 Politics
2019 begins a year of Democrat control of the House of Representatives after their success during the midterm elections of November, 2018. The Democrats have stated they plan to be a check on Trump, and to be an investigative body hoping for impeachment, or at a minimum, such a distraction as to make Trump's last two years ineffective. 2019 could be more drama than 2017 & 18.

House Democrats to Consider Two Articles of Impeachment Against Trump

from The Wall Street Journal,

Democrats and Republicans laid out their opposing cases in a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee, which is expected to release and vote on articles of impeachment for President Trump as soon as this week. Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D., N.Y.) said Monday that Mr. Trump had “put himself before country” by pushing Ukraine to announce investigations that could benefit him politically, actions that Mr. Nadler said “violated his most basic responsibilities to the people.”

Republicans defended Mr. Trump, with Rep. Doug Collins (R., Ga.) likening the impeachment process to a criminal proceeding with no crime. “We don’t have a crime; we don’t have anything we actually can defend,” he said.

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